Whether it is civilian or military, drones have a wide range of uses. The civil aspect can assume the functions of forest fire prevention, meteorological survey, marine surveying, geological exploration, police patrol, etc. The military aspect can be used for reconnaissance, surveillance, attack, transportation, and rescue. Now with the gradual maturity of UAV technology, it will be competent for more roles.
In the military area, the emergence of drones has made military experts shine as if they have discovered the “new continent”. Its flight performance makes it able to overcome terrain obstacles; its adaptive ability makes it superior to many precision-guided missiles; it has low cost, can be used in large-scale clusters, becomes more intelligent, and drones will become the future Dominate the battlefield and change the style of war. Especially the application of unmanned target aircraft, it can simulate all kinds of aircraft, fighters, missiles, and flying lethal weapons, so that the army can obtain ultra-low-cost military training.

What is the most precious resource of modern society? It is human resources. What are the most worrisome and fearful of future wars? It was a casualty. The use of drones not only avoids casualties but also increases the human resources of the military. The maneuvering drones can be either soldiers or technicians who are not wearing military uniforms; they can be operated either in military camps or anywhere in the world.
Drones have become a weapon of national defense and anti-terrorism in some countries, and have also become a nightmare for terrorists. Unmanned aerial vehicles are small and difficult to find when performing reconnaissance and strike missions. Ordinary light weapons and air defense weapons can do nothing about them. The use of heavy weapons is not worth the gains, Many modern examples of air defense can illustrate this point.