Serbia purchases Rainbow series of Chinese military UAVs

According to a report released by the media of Serbia on the 4th of this month, the army of Serbia publicly displayed the rainbow 92a reconnaissance and strike integrated UAV imported from China to the media at the military airport in Belgrade on the same day. The arrival of this UAV made the military of Serbia very excited. It also announced that the global networking of our Beidou system was successful and fired the first shot.

The two wings of rainbow 92a are less than 10 meters, but the combat radius is more than 150 kilometers, and the maximum ceiling can reach 5000 meters. Even if there is not enough smooth running road to take off in wartime, this UAV can also rely on vehicle rocket boost to complete the launching work, greatly expanding its adaptability. Moreover, the rainbow 92a UAV can carry two ft8d precision-guided missiles while carrying out reconnaissance missions. The maximum range of the missiles is 5km. Although this performance is far from being top-notch, it is extremely convenient for the military of Serbia to crack down on illegal armed elements. Moreover, the UAV has been fully proved by many tests conducted by the military of Serbia Excellent performance and reliability of man-machine.

In particular, our Beidou has truly completed global networking. With the global layout of the Beidou system, the rainbow UAV sold to Serbia has got rid of the technical dependence on European and American countries in various aspects. In the future, there is no need to worry that the GPS signal will be cut off by the other countries and it will not be able to fight. In particular, the rainbow 92a UAV can be regarded as a “cabbage” price. For Selvi, the rainbow 92a UAV can be called a “cabbage” The second: runner up’s tight budget is very cost-effective. Serbia has asked for UAVs from some countries more than once. Although there are no obstacles in performance and procurement, the problem is that the high price and more expensive follow-up facilities have repeatedly made the military of Serbia look back.

Nowadays, in the global UAV market, rainbow and pterosaur series UAVs are undoubtedly more expensive than similar international products in terms of manufacturing cost and sales price. However, some countries still regard their UAVs as strategic weapons and heirloom. High-end models are strictly prohibited from export, and low-end models are marked with high prices We have enough space to seize their market share. With the continuous hot sale of domestic UAVs, the UAV industry will eventually be globalized!

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