Forest fire application by drone

    The recent fire in Australia has taught us the importance of forest fire prevention, and the huge harm caused by fires is unbearable. The fire devoured large areas of forests and villages, burning many houses and crops, and many animals had no time to escape.

    If the Australian government can prepare enough drones for fire protection and forest defense, and block the fire source from all directions in time, I think this loss can be avoided.

    Drones are much faster and more timely than rescue forces on land. The point is not to endanger firefighters’ lives. The ground fire brigade can’t quickly surround and control the fire source from all sides, but the drone group can do it, and it can accurately block the fire source from all sides with only remote control.

If a conventional aircraft is used to extinguish the fire, it will still cause harm to the pilot. However, the drone can be programmed to rely on a temperature sensor for precise operation near the fire, and no one will be injured if it falls. Life is precious, a tribute to firefighters.

    If companies, agencies, or governments need to purchase forest fire drones, we can consider our MK series, high speed, large load capacity, simple programming, and control, and can perform a variety of tasks such as fire protection, transportation, rescue, scouting, etc.

    We recommend MK200 & MK900. Contact me for details.

    MK drone Introduction video

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